In celebration of the Latinx and Hispanic Heritage Month, The Mexican Museum invites you to a fun fundraising digital event to highlight the diversity within our artistic expressions: La Loteria.
How to participate:
Get your Loteria Board for FREE. Click on the board to download it as a PDF. There are 6 different boards to choose from. You can get as many boards as you want!
Follow us on Instagram @sfmexicanmuseum and Facebook @TheMexicanMuseum.
Starting September 20th, we will be posting a couple of Loteria cards (images) per day in our IG and FB stories!
If an image included in the board is posted, mark that on your board.
Once you have marked all the images in your board, post a photo in your IG or FB account and tag us with the #LoteriaTMM to receive a FREE MEMBERSHIP for the museum!
Thank you for celebrating the richness and diversity of our cultures!
To support us in continuing these activities, please consider making a
donation to the museum by clicking on the button below.